Tax Return LLC
If you own an LLC in Florida or Delaware, you must file your 1065 Tax Return to the IRS by April 15th of each year.
To make is easier, here’s a list of what we include with your new LLC.
Please select the number of properties owned by your LLC to determine the price for this service.
Other Services
Here are some additional services for your business.
More Info LLC
1065 Partnership or LLC Tax Return
ContadorMiami can help you file your corporate tax returns from the comfort of your home. Our tax technology allows us to quickly and efficiently prepare your tax return for your business and file electronically with the IRS. Just provide us the info and we’ll do the rest.
Also on your SmartPhone
Our latest feature allows you to have full access to all your tax returns and tax documents on your SmartPhone and/or Internet. If you have an Iphone, Ipad, Blackberry, or even an Android, our APP works perfect for you. All your tax returns instantly at your fingertips.
Filing requirements
For 1065 or LLC Entities, then you must file your tax return by April 15 of each year. The members of the LLC must also file their personal tax returns by April 15. Extensions may always be filed which generally allows for 5-6 month extension of time.
If your company is a C Corporation or an S Corporation, your federal tax return is due March 15.
Important Tax Dates
Below you will find the most common federal tax deadlines.
Federal Deadline |
w/ Extension |
State Filing Required |
1065 LLC |
April 15 |
October 15 |
No |
1120 C Corporation |
March 15 |
September 15 |
Yes |
1120 S Corporation |
March 15 |
September 15 |
No |
1040 Individual Return |
April 15 |
October 15 |
Most Cases No |
Multi-Member LLC
If your company is an LLC with more than one member, please note that each member of the LLC must also file a tax return. Please see more regarding 1040 Individual Tax Returns.
Single-Member LLC
If your company is an LLC with only one single member, you will not have to file a tax return for your company. You will be required to file only a personal tax return and include your business on the schedule C portion of your individual tax return.
More Info…
Personal Tax Returns for foreign nationals – Starting at $150
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